Thursday, February 27, 2014

New Books for Elementary & Middle Grades

Baby Bear - Kadir Nelson
As Baby Bear tries to find his way home through the forest, he asks many different woodland creatures for help and finds that much of their advice is more comforting than helpful.

Founding Mothers: Remembering the Ladies - Cokie Roberts
Brief portraits of women from the period of the Revolution and early United States.

The Noisy Paint Box - Barb Rosenstock
Describes how his creative life was profoundly shaped by a neurological condition called synesthesia which caused him to experienced colors as sounds and sounds as colors.

Unicorn Thinks He's Pretty Great - Bob Shea
Envy turns to admiration and finally to friendship for Goat and Unicorn.

Hide-And Seek Science: Animal Camouflage - Emma Stevenson
Shows how animals use camouflage in seven different ecosystems by asking the reader to find all the animals in each picture.

The Dolphins of Shark Bay - Pamela S. Turner
A scientific journey to study the dolphins of coastal Australia considers the many potential sources of dolphin intelligence and what dolphin behavior can inform the scientific community about human intelligence, captive animals and the future of the oceans.

If It's Snowy and You Know It, Clap Your Paws! - Kim Norman
Animals enjoy a variety of wintery activities in the snow.

What's Your Favorite Animal? - Eric Carl and Friends
Everybody has a favorite animal. Some like little white dogs or big black cats or hoppy brown bunnies best. Others prefer squishy snails or tall giraffes or sleek black panthers. With beautiful illustrations and charming personal stories, 14 children's book artists share their favorite animals and why they love them.

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