Wednesday, September 18, 2013

New Picture Books

Beatrice Spells Some Lulus and Learns to Write a Letter - Cari Best
Beatrice enjoys learning to spell, and gets really excited about it after some encouragement from her grandmother, but she has trouble convincing her classmates that spelling is not boring.

Inside Outside - Lizi Boyd
Images from the following pages appear through die-cut holes, for example, a plant outside becomes a plant in a vase.

Twenty-six Pirates - Dave Horowitz
Twenty-six pirates, one for each letter of the alphabet, demonstrate their particular--and sometimes silly--talents and skills.

Cowpoke Clyde and Dirty Dawg - Lori Mortensen
 Following increasingly chaotic attempts to give his dog a bath, Cowpoke Clyde discovers there is only one way to get Dawg into the tub.

Steam Train, Dream Train - Sherri Duskey Rinker and Tom Lichtenheld
In this book with rhyming text, the dream train pulls into the station and all the different cars are loaded by the animal workers, each with the appropriate cargo.

Bugs in My Hair! - David Shannon
A horrified boy discovers he has head lice and tries some wild remedies to get rid of them.

Dusk - Uri Shulevitz
"Boy with dog and grandfather with beard watch holiday lights turn on in the city."-- Provided by publisher

Hello, My Name is Ruby - Philip C. Stead
"Ruby, a very small bird in a very big world, is looking for a friend, so she introduces herself ..."-- Provided by publisher

That is NOT a Good Idea! - Mo Willems
A surprising lesson about the importance of listening to one's inner gosling ensues when a very hungry fox issues a dinner invitation to a very plump goose.

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