Thursday, May 23, 2013

Nonfiction & Poetry

Too Hot? Too Cold?: Keeping Body Temperature Just Right - Caroline Arnold
Explains how people and animals living in different parts of the world survive in hotter and colder climates using remarkable adaptive strategies and behaviors.

Bats: Biggest! Littlest! - Sandra Markle
In this latest addition to the Biggest, Littlest! series, award-winning author Sandra Markle explores the diverse world of bats. How does being big help one kind of bat? How does being little help another kind? Sometimes these extremes offer the key to survival. The biggest bat is the Flying Fox, which can have a wingspan as long as a bathtub. Its littlest cousin is the Bumblebee Bat, which weighs only as much as a penny. Stunning photographs from around the world invite young readers to investigate up close the features that make each bat unique.

Meet Ben, a young boy with ADHD. Ben invites readers to learn about ADHD from his perspective. He helps children understand what it means to have ADHD and describes what it is and how it feels. Ben explains how he was diagnosed and what he has learned about ways to relieve his ADHD symptoms, and how friends and adults can help at home and school.

Seeds, Bees, Butterflies and More!: Poems for Two Voices - Carole Gerber
Poems about the plant and insect world, designed to be read by two voices.

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