Friday, January 27, 2012

New DVDs

Yucky Worms
'Yucky!' says a young boy about the worms his grandmother digs up in her garden. But he soon changes his mind when he discovers how interesting worms really are, and how important they are in helping the soil, plants, and animals in the garden. Yucky Worms is a lighthearted study enhanced with appealing artwork and the witty comments of the many worms who live in Grandma's garden.

Students will gain an understanding of the Jurassic and Mesozoic era through study of paleontology, dinosaur entomology, theories of extinction and dinosaur physiology.

The Way Things Work: Levers
A young Mammoth Islander observes some children playing on a see-saw and is inspired to try a simple machine called a lever to get her job done.

Planets & the Solar System
Students will learn the key characteristics of each planet, the difference between inner and outer planets, and which planets have their own moons. They'll take a fascinating look at how remote-control rovers are designed to explore other surfaces in the solar system. Also, in a fun, hands-on activity, students will demonstrate how gravity keeps all the members of the solar system in orbit around the Sun.

The Way Things Work: Flight
When a mammoth delivering canvas awnings gets lifted off the ground by the wind, the Mammoth Islanders discover the power of the wind. The Islanders experiment and eventually learn the right combination of the four forces involved in flight: gravity, lift, thrust, and drag.

The Way Things Work: Musical Instruments
The Mammoth Islanders invite a visiting inventor to a noisy concert of musical mammoths. Then they learn the principles behind various wind, string, brass and percussion instruments. The result is music to their ears.

African-American Heritage
The vibrant sights and sounds of West Africa come alive as children learn about the region's diverse geography and cultures, and they explore the history of African Americans. They'll learn to count to ten in the More language and practice a few words in the Yoruba language, take a field trip to an African food market and learn how to make their own African adinkra cloth designs. They'll also enjoy the animated folktale, "Anansi the Spider," and sing the traditional Senegalese folk song, "Galigi."

The Declaration of Independence
Join our host as she aids viewers in discovering the people and events involved in creating the Declaration of Independence.

America's Documents of Freedom, 1775-1786
The stories behind important documents in United States history, featuring expert commentary from scholars and historians.

America's Documents of Freedom, 1787-1796

The Oregon Trail & The Pony Express
2 documentary programs. The Oregon Trail is an account of America's longest and most famous pioneer trail, covering the reasons for going, the landscape crossed, and the experience as described in immigrants' diaries. The Pony Express describes the gamble that bankrupted the men who started it, and lasted only 19 months, but made a legend of its riders and provided a vital link between California and the Northern states at the start of the Civil War.

The Civil War
This program utilizes exciting reenactments, artifacts and interviews to explore key battles of the Civil War, life on the northern and southern homefronts, and the role of African Americans in the war.

Lincoln at Gettysburg: The Battle & The Address
Brings to life not only Lincoln's famous speech, but also the major events leading up to the Civil War, a comprehensive background on Lincoln's life, and a summary of the Gettysburg Battle itself. Features one of the most famous and most quoted speeches in American history given by Lincoln in just two minutes on the afternoon of Thursday, November 19, 1983 at the dedication of the soldiers' National Cemetery at Gettysburg. Includes re-enactments of the battle, Lincoln's address, and discussion of his speech by local community members.

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