Monday, April 13, 2009

New Nonfiction Books

Larry Page and Sergey Brin: The Google Guys - Gail B. Stewart
A brief biography of Larry Page and Sergey Brin, co-founders of the Google Internet Search Engine.

From the First Guide to Government series:

What's the Declaration of Independence? - Nancy Harris
What is the Declaration of Independence? -- The American colonies -- Unhappy colonists -- Taxes -- Taking a stand -- The Second Continental Congress -- Writing the Declaration of Independence -- Parts of the Declaration of Independence -- Signing the Declaration of Independence -- The Revolutionary War -- Celebrating the Declaration of Independence

What's the Constitution? - Nancy Harris
What is the United States Constitution? -- History of the Constitution -- The Articles of Confederation -- Writing the constitution -- Parts of the Constitution -- The amendments -- Why is the constitution important?

What's the Bill of Rights? - Nancy Harris
Simple text and illustrations provide an introduction to the Bill of Rights, discussing the history of the Constitution, when it was added, who wrote it, other amendments, and why it is important.

What Are the Amendments? - Nancy Harris
What is the United States Constitution? -- Why do we have amendments? -- How to amend the constitution -- The first ten amendments -- Other amendments -- Repealing amendments -- Why are the amendments important?

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