Thursday, May 3, 2007

New Board Books

Joy - Joyce Carol Thomas
An African American mother expresses the joy and delight that her son brings to her in the different seasons of the year.

I Went Walking - Sue Williams
During the course of a walk, a young boy identifies animals of different colors.

On Mother's Lap - Ann Herbert Scott
A small Eskimo boy discovers that Mother's lap is a very special place with room for everyone.

Shades of Black - Sandra L. Pinkney
Photographs and poetic text celebrate the beauty and diversity of African-American children.

We're Going on a Bear Hunt - Michael Rosen
A typically wonderful Oxenbury family sets out with gusto on a bear hunt, and the old story comes to life. Paintings are simply marvelous... Rosen's retelling is spare, with a driving rhythm, and some new sounds add sparkle to the traditional tale. A predictable story in which brave bear hunters go through grass, a river, mud, and other obstacles before the inevitable encounter with the bear forces a headlong retreat.

Mama, Do You Love Me? - Barbara M. Joosse
A child living in the Arctic learns that a mother's love is unconditional.

Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear? - Nancy White Carlstrom
Jesse bear explains what he will wear tomorrow.

- Bruce Degen
A boy and a rhyme-spouting bear joyously romp through the world of berries.

Time for Bed - Mem Fox
As darkness falls parents everywhere try to get their children ready for sleep.

Five Little Monkeys Sitting in a Tree - Eileen Christelow
Five little monkeys sitting in a tree discover, one by one, that it is unwise to tease Mr. Crocodile.

Tomie's Little Mother Goose - Tomie dePaola
A collection of familiar nursery rhymes, including "Baa, Baa, Black Sheep," "The Three Little Kittens, " and "Wee Willie Winkie."

To Be a Kid - Maya Ajmera
Text and photographs show children from various countries in their daily activities.

Little White Duck - Walt Whippo
Based on the song of the same title, a little white duck causes a commotion in its pond.

Skip to My Lou - Mary Ann Hoberman
When his parents leave a young boy in charge of the farm for a day, chaos erupts as the animals take over the house.

The Lady with the Alligator Purse - Mary Ann Hoberman
The old jump rope/nonsense rhyme features an ailing young Tiny Tim.

Miss Mary Mack - Mary Ann Hoberman
An expanded adaptation of the familiar hand-clapping rhyme about a young girl and an elephant.

Animal Friends - Maya Ajmera
Smiling children around the world show off the special animal friends that share their lives.

Busy Toes - C.W. Bowie
A playful list of some of the many things that toes can do, from waving and tickling to splashing and squishing.

Here Are My Hands - Bill Martin
Owners of human bodies celebrate them by pointing out various parts and mentioning their functions, from "hands for catching and throwing" to the "skin that bundles me in."

The Itsy Bitsy Spider - Iza Trapani
In this expanded version of a popular song, the itsy-bitsy spider's climbing is interrupted by a fan, a mouse, a cat, and some dew before she makes her way to the top of a tree to spin her web.

Wheels on the Bus
A delightful rendition of the classic song about the bus that goes "all around the town."

Five Little Ducks

When her five little ducks disappear one by one, Mother Duck sets out to find them.

Down by the Bay
In this song, two children imagine their mothers asking, "Did you ever see a goose kissing a moose, a fly wearing a tie, or llamas eating their pajamas down by the bay?"

Baby Faces series:

Smile! - Roberta Grobel Intrater
Candid photographs capture adorable babies and their many happy expressions.

Sleep - Robert Grobel Intrater
The perfect bedtime book! Share a quiet moment with these adorable babies as they drift off to sleep.

Splash! - Roberta Grobel Intrater
Babies splish and splash and have a lot of fun.

Peek-a-Boo! - Roberta Grobel Intrater
Babies show a variety of facial expressions and play peek-a-boo.

Eat! - Roberta Grobel Intrater
Babies learn to eat.

Hugs & Kisses - Roberta Grobel Intrater
Babies and their families hug and kiss.

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