Wednesday, February 15, 2012

New Children's and YA Books

Moon Pie - Simon Mason
Eleven-year-old Martha tries to keep her family together after her mother's death as her father struggles with alcoholism.

His Name Was Raoul Wallenberg - Louise Borden
An amazing and inspirational World War II story about how one man saved the lives of many.

Taste of Salt - Frances Temple
Three fictional characters, one a former member of Jean-Bertrand Aristide's election team, tell their own stories of violence, poverty, oppression, and hope for change in contemporary Haiti. Phoenix Award Honor

Letters from Rivka - Karen Hesse
In letters to her cousin, a young Jewish girl chronicles her family's flight from Russia in 1919 and her own experiences when she must be left in Belgium for a while when the others emigrate to America. Phoenix Award

The Fault in Our Stars - John Green
Sixteen-year-old Hazel, a stage IV thyroid cancer patient, has accepted her terminal diagnosis until a chance meeting with a boy at cancer support group forces her to reexamine her perspective on love, loss, and life.

Try Not to Breathe - Jennifer R. Hubbard
The summer Ryan is released from a mental hospital following his suicide attempt, he meets Nicki, who gets him to share his darkest secrets while hiding secrets of her own.

Cinder - Marissa Meyer
As plague ravages the overcrowded Earth, observed by a ruthless lunar people, Cinder, a gifted mechanic and cyborg, becomes involved with handsome Prince Kai and must uncover secrets about her past in order to protect the world in this futuristic take on the Cinderella story.

Mr. and Mrs. Bunny - Detectives Extraordinaire! - Polly Horvath
Middle-schooler Madeline's hippy parents have been kidnapped from Hornby Island, Canada, by foxes and Madeline, upon discovering that she can understand animal languages, hires two rabbit detectives to find them.

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