Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Buckeye Children's Book Award

This year's Buckeye Children's Book Awards were recently announced. This award is unique among other state book award programs in that the nominated and winning titles are entirely selected by children. Teachers and librarians who encourage their students to participate in the BuckeyeChildren’s Book Award process report an enthusiastic response.

Grades K-2 Winner:

Shark vs. Train - Chris Barton
A shark and a train compete in a series of contests on a seesaw, in hot air balloons, bowling, shooting baskets, playing hide-and-seek, and more.

Grades 3-5 Winner:

Chalk - Bill Thomson
A wordless picture book about three children who go to a park on a rainy day, find some chalk, and draw pictures that come to life.

Grades 6-8 Winner:

Out of My Mind - Sharon L. Draper
Considered by many to be mentally retarded, a brilliant, impatient fifth-grader with cerebral palsy discovers a technological device that will allow her to speak for the first time.

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