Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Books by Illustrator David Slonim

He Came with the Couch
When a family acquires a new couch, they discover that something else comes along with it, and they gain a new friend in the process.

Moishe's Miracle
Moishe, a milkman who is kind to everyone in his poor village of Wishniak, receives a magic frying pan that produces an unlimited supply of delicious Hanukkah latkes.

You Think It's Easy Being the Tooth Fairy?
The tooth fairy explains how she does her job.

Squeal and Squawk: Barnyard Talk - Susan Pearson
A collection of humorous poems about barnyard animals and activities.

Who Swallowed Harold? and Other Poems about Pets - Susan Pearson
An illustrated collection of children's poetry about pets and animals.

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